An incredible documentary about Nixon’s Watergate and the film All the President’s Men based on the 1974 non-fiction book of the same name by Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward, the two journalists investigating the Watergate scandal for The Washington Post. The similarity with the state of this U.S. administration is absolutely astonishing and the leaks from within by someone nick named  the “Deep Throat” which we find  examples of today in the White House; not to mention the recent book entitled “Fear” by Bob Woodward. Are these signals that we’re nearing a similar conclusion to this Presidency? One can only hope so or it would a tremendous shame/waste to have searched/found/photocopied this event from the past and pasted in the present 🙂

But on a serious note we should be learning from history NOT necessarily repeating it – but the starting point is to know history; and one thing we know about history is this; “you can’t delete the truth however hard you try, so eventually the chips will fall”.

Hope you find it interesting.

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